The Greatest Opportunity Everthe world economysustainable
lifestylesre-designed forsize your market opportunityinnovatorearly adoptermainstream -
never seen in a landfillA Truly Great Product Is...valued a long time,design for sustainable lifestylesthen recycled or biodegrades
how's your brand positioned?The CO2 Emissions Economy...has begunleaders
laggards -
Great Products Come From...be a great companyeconomysocietyenvironmentGreat Companiesthat engage employees and exceedcustomer expectations while enhancingsocial & environmental well being.
“We Can Not Solve Our ProblemsWith The Same Level OfThinking That Created Them”pollutionclimate changedestruction and degradation of wildlife habitatsincreasing natural resource usebiodiversity loss (extinction of plants and animals)population growthinnovate for sustainable lifestyles
We are a custom market research house dedicated to accelerating the adoption of sustainable lifestyles.
Market Sizing
Determining a market’s size and the viability of a new product (or service) opportunity is a multifaceted and iterative process. The necessary research is part qualitative, part quantitative with estimates drawn while the product definition is changing in the background.
Read MoreNew Product Design
The design, development and introduction of any new product or service is a challenge. Hundreds to thousands of correct decisions need to be orchestrated in concert among many players over a period of time in a changing environment.
Read MoreBrand Equity & Pricing
What do consumers know about your product or service that differentiates it enough for them to notice? What do they know about your company that’s worthy of a premium price? How do they value your entire benefits package, your brand’s value, relative to competitors?
Read MoreContinuous Business Improvement
All companies make mistakes and fail to meet at least some customer and employee expectations. Some companies learn about these issues, make the necessary adjustments and thereby continuously improve.
Read MoreIn-Depth Interview
How do organizations innovate? A methodical process of probing the minds of users can reveal vital new insights to feed the innovation process in a way that keeps R&D teams focused on real market needs and wants.
Read MoreObservation
One of the primary benefits of observation is that it does not rely on stated intentions. Even the best of intentions can change for unforeseen reasons.
Read MoreSurvey
Major decisions regarding new products, pricing, organizational change or budgetary cuts benefit from first measuring the affected population’s reaction. This is the primary purpose of a survey.
SurveyOur Sustainability Plan
In 2012 Fusion MR set the goal to reduce its eco-footprint to zero by 2017. The goal encompasses both business and personal activities. After all, one is not living sustainability if they are at sustainable at work, but not at home, or vice versa.
Read MoreWhy Change Is Paramount
We can’t stop runaway climate change once it starts. But, we can change society – from unsustainable to sustainable lifestyles. Join with us to change one product, one business at a time.
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